It just occurred to me, but for YEARS first thing Monday mornings I like to post a bit of inspiration on the Facebook pages. I take what my situations are and distill what worked to keep me going & motivated into a sentence or two, and share them. My Facebook posts are nothing but workshop, instruments, inspiration and the occasional old machine - Scott Beckwith (you’ll see which one’s me) and Birdsong Guitars. Here’s today’s:
Thought for Monday: Cultivate a genuine sense of gratitude and channel that into all you do.
If you find that sort of statement useful instead of more noise amidst the static and fireworks, earlier this year I compiled them into a book. Everybody has an answer for everything; this is mine, to fill the world with music and inspire as many as much as I can in the process. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it… have a great week!