I have no Jimmy Buffet stories except for maybe some trauma from having to play the same ones in every cover band, ever. Oh yeah, and that time a friend of mine got hired to play a private function and nobody told him it was an AA gathering. He opened with Margaritaville. I have, however, seen a guitar built from parts by my late friend John C. "Uncle Johnny" Kirtland which was finished in clear-over-parrot fabric. It ended up with a friend who was a big Jimmy Buffet fan, a "Parrothead" in Buffettian lingo. Jimmy's best songs were not his famous ones, though they became the soundtrack to untold millions of good times by people having fun together all over the world. As any kind of creative person, to do that is an amazing miracle. And as we reflect on the passing of another icon of or time, let us also remember those who have impacted our lives from within our own circles - now passed, now gone, now dispersed. Let us wish them all well on their journeys, and carry them with us as we continue on our own. ~Scott B.
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