Extra post

Sorry, busy week over here! Didn’t get as many extras up here as I’d have liked for you. Go to the Facebook page for more “during the week sneak peeks” and other posts. But while we’re here together, here’s a thought… just a little message of encouragement to YOU from some guitar maker in the woods. I have to keep reminding myself that my friends are anxious. This "solitude / work from the compound / stock up on this / do without that / unsure of tomorrow" thing is a labyrinth I'm very familiar and at ease with. Many are not - it's not really in the handbook they give us coming out into the world. If you feel less at ease than you'd like, I want you to look toward the things you CAN change - and that mostly comes back to ourselves - and take one step toward health today. In one area. Just one... but then hold that ground. Claim THAT as your new normal. Given time you might find everything one step easier to take having taken that one step.